Торнбери, Джордж Вальтер

Определение "Торнбери, Джордж Вальтер" в словаре Брокгауза и Ефрона

Торнбери, Джордж Вальтер (Thornburry) — английский писатель (1828—1876). Его труды: "Lays and legends of the New World" (1851), "Shakespeare's England during the r eign of Elizabeth" (1858), "Art and nature at home and abroad" (1856), "Songs of Cavaliers and Roundheads" (1860), "Two centuries of song" (1867), "Historical and legendary ballads and songs" (1875), "British artist from Hogarth to Turner" (1861), "Life of J. M. W. Turner" (1861), "Life in Spain", "Turkish life and character" (1860), "Tour round England" (1870), "Old and new London" (1873—74); романы: "Every man his own trumpeter", "Ice-bound", "True as steel", "Wildfire", "Tales for the marines", "Haunted London", "Greatheart", The vicar's courtship", "Old stories retold".

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