Винстенли Вильямс

Определение "Винстенли Вильямс" в словаре Брокгауза и Ефрона

Винстенли Вильямс

(Winstanley) — английский писатель XVII века; написал: "The muses Cabinet, stored with variety of Poems" (1655); "The loyal Martyrology, catalogue of the Regicides" (1665); "Miscellany of historical Rarities" (1683); "England's Worthies, select Lives of the most eminent Persons of the English Nation" (1684) и "Lives of the most famous English Poets" (1687).

"БРОКГАУЗ И ЕФРОН" >> "В" >> "ВИ" >> "ВИН" >> "ВИНС"

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